A fight that is still going on. Originally aired in 1978, this film is a reminder that we all still have a lot of work to do.

Eleanor Bingham Miller

Producer / Director

Eleanor Bingham Miller has been involved in TV and independent filmmaking since 1972.

Her work has spanned the development and production of local news, documentaries, and feature films.

THE NEW KLAN: HERITAGE OF HATE premiered nationally on PBS in 1978 and was screened at the Cannes Film Festival.

Contact Eleanor for more info.

Bruce Skinner

Producer / Restorer

Bruce Skinner has been producing film and digital content for over forty years. 

He has produced documentary, corporate, fundraising, and advertising projects through his production company based in Louisville, Kentucky. 

Additionally, Bruce works as a still photographer and restores classic documentary films.

Contact Bruce for more info.